We advise our users, inform them and put their situation in a broader context so that we can work together in the best possible way. The way development agencies work has always meant detecting, monitoring and coordinating needs arising from the local environment.
The experience we draw from more than 20 years of operation is what provides a solid foundation for doing business in interdisciplinary fields: from entrepreneurship, rural development, to tourism and environmental care. We constantly support the local, regional and national level with information, and we make sure that information from the national level also reaches the local environment.
The environment has always been a very important component for us, and in recent years we have been rapidly integrating the green aspect into all our activities and projects.
The goal of promoting rural development is being met with the help of the LEADER approach, which works by a bottom-up approach and has been linking agriculture, rural entrepreneurship, nature and cultural heritage conservation and the environment for 30 years.
The Regional Development Agency ROD Ajdovščina has been paying special attention to the development of entrepreneurship from kindergarten to entrepreneurs.
Promoting the development of sustainable tourism in the Vipava Valley is also one of the tasks of the Regional Development Agency ROD, as it is one of the most promising economic activities, which due to natural conditions and other potentials can be further developed in the Vipava Valley.

About the Regional Development Agency ROD Ajdovščina
The Agency was established as a non-profit development institution in December 1999 under the name Development agency ROD, and since 2006 we have the status of a public institution. Our founders are the Municipality of Ajdovščina, the Municipality of Vipava and the Regional Chamber of Crafts and Entrepreneurship Ajdovščina. In 2019, we changed our name to the Regional Development Agency ROD Ajdovščina.
As part of the basic activity for the founders in their area, we perform the tasks of promoting harmonious regional development. Through various projects, activities to promote the development and integration of entrepreneurship, rural areas, agriculture and tourism are highlighted. We also actively participate in the internationalization of the entire Goriška region and advise on the application of project proposals.
We are involved in international projects, where we cooperate with other organizations in calls for proposals, including obtaining funds for the preparation and implementation of projects, taking into account the principles of sustainable development, adaptation to climate change and the introduction of digitalization in operational processes.